On 4 November 2017 in the Monastery of Sargiano Man Center celebrated the 40th Anniversary of its Founding.
Read the story of the first 40 years of activity of Man Center >>
On 30 September 2012 the ancient walls of the Monastery of Sargiano hosted the celebrations of the 35th Anniversary of the Founding of Man Center.
An invaluable goal for the NPO, that in its 35 years of activity has carried out numerous initiatives for the improvement of the human being, world peace, intercultural and interreligious dialog, and environmental protection.
The Patroness of the event, the well-known and highly regarded actress Paola Gassman, officially handed the commemorative plaque over to the President Pier Franco Marcenaro.
Later, for the many members of the Center who had come from both Italy and abroad, she performed several lyric poems with a spiritual theme.

A joyful and well-attended ceremony celebrating 30 years of activity of Man Center was held at the Monastery of Sargiano on the morning of Sunday 21 October 2007.
The event's Patroness was the well-known presenter Maria Teresa Ruta, who collaborated with the Association in the Project 100 Children of Diourbel, to support abandoned children in Senegal.
This project is linked with other initiatives carried on by Man Center, such as those in aid of poor children in Moldavia and help for centers for the elderly and physically challenged in Italy, too.
In her speech for the occasion, Maria Teresa Ruta stressed the need for a greater diffusion of higher spiritual values capable of kindling and feeding the spirit of selflessness and service, which is the heart of the work of Man Center.
Afterwards, to seal these words, she gave the President of Man Center, Pier Franco Marcenaro, the commemorative plaque for the Thirtieth Anniversary.
Warm messages from all five continents and numerous Italian and foreign visitors acted as a background to the ceremony, which was also enriched by the spiritual songs of the singer Alessandra.

On 19 October 2002 in Milan, at a Conference on spiritual and humanitarian issues that saw, among others, the participation of the well-known writer Fernanda Pivano, the celebrations were held for the 25th Anniversary of the foundation of Man Center.
Fernanda Pivano, with whom Pier Franco Marcenaro had previously collaborated on the occasion of several initiatives of a humanitarian and social nature, expressed great admiration in her speech for the Center’s activities and she congratulated its President for the work carried on in 25 years of guidance of the Association.
She then officially handed over the commemorative plaque for the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary.