Man Center’s director is Pier Franco Marcenaro, who from an early age has been a keen scholar of human and spiritual issues.
This quality of his, combined with his work as a top manager in major corporations and multinational groups, has led him to travel throughout the world, establishing direct contacts everywhere with peoples of every culture, race, and religion.
In 1977 he founded Man Center, whose main purpose is the quest for understanding and service among men, respect and appreciation for nature and, through the work of the School of Spirituality, the inner rebirth of the human being by means of meditation.
In 1999 Pier Franco Marcenaro was elected President of the World Ecumenical Center, later the World Interreligious Center.
In 2003 he received the Messenger of Peace Award for his longstanding role in promoting world peace and welfare.
He is the author of several publications of a high social, moral, and spiritual content translated into 10 languages.
He has presided over three editions of the World Conference for the Peace and Welfare of Peoples, in 1999, 2002, and 2005, under the auspices of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the European Commission and the U.N..
Pier Franco Marcenaro has spoken in major auditoriums of many countries in the world: everywhere his message, meant to show humanity a way with which to achieve authentic happiness and peace, has been greeted with strong interest from people of every age, gender, social position, culture, and religious tradition.
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